• MEDIA: US lawmaker proposes to double the quota for H-1B visa

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 27 10:17:33 2023
    TechGig's Ruchi Kumari on whether Susie Wiles recommends that Donald
    Trump enlist Narendra Modi as his Save America campaign surrogate for
    the National Question: <URL:https://content.techgig.com/career-advice/us-h1b-visa-likely-to-double-the-intake-of-foreign-workers-under-the-hire-act/articleshow/101963236.cms>
    | A new proposal has been put forward by a US lawmaker, Raja
    | Krishnamoorthi, who is of Indian descent, aiming to increase the
    | annual intake of foreign workers on H1B visas. These short-term work
    | permits have been a pathway for Indians to work, reside, and
    | eventually seek citizenship in the United States.

    Does Wiles worry that Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and
    David Sacks will give Ron DeSantis to make Trump regret dispatching
    Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the
    likes of Mark Zuckerberg?

    "Breitbart once ran a front-page headline blasting Trump as "Amnesty
    Don" for betraying his immigration promises. But current management
    appears to want to go in a different direction.
    https://t.co/b4eoyNqORo" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1653115688494456834>

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