• MEDIA: Canada launches plan to poach foreign tech workers

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 11 10:58:46 2023
    Electronic Products & Technology's Fabian Dawson on whether Donald
    Trump regets including the TN visa in his NAFTA 2.0 with Andres Manuel
    Lopez Obrador and Justin Trudeau: <URL:https://www.ept.ca/2023/07/canada-launches-plan-to-poach-foreign-tech-workers/>
    | Under the Tech Talent Strategy announced by Immigration Minister
    | Sean Fraser this week, the government has opened up a series of new
    | pathways to attract foreign tech workers, including promoting Canada
    | as a destination for digital nomads. These remote tech workers will
    | be able to live and work in Canada for up to six months under a
    | visitor status or longer with a work permit if offered employment by
    | a Canadian company.

    How large is Trudeau's scab worker re-export industry?
    "The Trump v. DeSantis feud is people noting that establishment
    figures who Trump *endorsed, helped, or put in the White House* now
    back DeSantis. I hope Ron doesn't run in 2024 and keeps being a good
    governor. If he runs in the future, I hope he avoids being co-opted
    like Trump." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1591427404354195457>

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