• MEDIA: Business Lobby Ask Biden for More Foreign Workers Rather than En

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 10 00:38:10 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Susie Wiles worries that Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin,
    Lachlan Murdoch, and David Sacks will allow Ron DeSantis to outflank
    Donald Trump from the right on the National Question by campaigning
    for an immigration moratorium: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/03/business-lobby-ask-biden-more-foreign-workers-rather-enticing-americans-back-workforce/>
    | In particular, the business groups pointed to a plan touted by
    | Republican Govs. Eric Holcomb of Indiana and Spencer Cox of Utah
    | that gives states the ability to import foreign visa workers
    | whenever business interests in such states decided that there are
    | labor shortages that cannot be filled with Americans.
    | "One plan advanced by Republican governors, Eric Holcomb of Indiana
    | and Spencer Cox of Utah, would allow states to 'sponsor' immigrant
    | workers," the business groups wrote:
    || With that authority, states could decide how many visas are
    || needed each year for specific jobs. U.S Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
    || and Dick Durbin (D-IL) support the idea, as does New York Governor
    || Kathy Hochul. [Emphasis added]
    || ...
    || With congressional action on permanent immigration reform
    || gridlocked, we look to your administration to expand the use of
    || visas under current regulations and give states the authority to act
    || on their workforce needs, so that migrants are treated humanely and
    || businesses can rev up the engines that drive state and national
    || economies. [Emphasis added]
    | The latest push by special interest business groups to open a
    | constant flow of foreign visa workers to hire comes as Biden has
    | ballooned the nation's labor market through mass immigration while
    | remaining largely unconcerned with the issue of Americans dropping
    | out of the workforce.

    Roy Beck's report card for Ron DeSantis: <URL:https://grades.numbersusa.com/gradecard/11609/113/115/>
    "Had a nightmare that Trump ran an awesome campaign, suddenly
    stopped it, and endorsed Tim Scott" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1591198280309911552>

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