• MEDIA: Indian-American tech executive welcomes announcement of pilot H-

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 7 11:28:22 2023
    The anonymous Press Trust of India hack for Times of India on whether
    Susie Wiles recommends that Donald Trump enlist Narendra Modi as his
    campaign surrogate for the National Question: <URL:https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/nri/latest-updates/indian-american-tech-executive-welcomes-announcement-of-pilot-h-1b-l-visa-renewal-program/articleshow/101447677.cms>
    | Bhutoria is a prominent advocate for immigration issues and in 2021,
    | Biden had announced his intent to appoint him on the President's
    | Advisory Commissioner on AANHPI (Asian American, Native Hawaiian,
    | and Pacific Islander) Commission.
    | The announcement of the pilot programme was made by State Department
    | Deputy Assitant Secretary Nancy Jackson at the US India Summit,
    | hosted by Bhutoria in Milpitas, California which further underscored
    | the significance and impact of his advocacy.
    | During the recent State Visit of Prime Minister Modi to the United
    | States, the announcement regarding the H1B visa renewal stamping
    | being conducted in the US was made during a community event
    | addressed by the Prime Minister.

    Does Wiles fear that Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and
    David Sacks will permit Ron DeSantis to use their campaign bullhorn
    to stump for Trump's trademarked "Extreme Vetting"?
    "Oh Lord here come the 5ft 3 DC GOP creepers who grifted off Trump
    world for years with the "NO HE SHOULDNT HAVE ENDORSED REPUBLICANS
    WHO WON BUT DONT LIKE HIM"... This comes a few days after they were
    crying about Trump not endorsing their clients (oops, I mean
    friends!)" - Raheem Kassam <URL:https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1591088594424565761>

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