• MEDIA: Trust Issues With India's Modi, A Capsizing Commercial Real Esta

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 7 11:28:09 2023
    Peter Navarro on whether Susie Wiles recommends that Donald Trump
    enlist Narendra Modi as his Make America Great Again campaign
    surrogate for the National Question: <URL:https://intrumptimepress.podbean.com/e/trust-issues-with-india-s-modi-a-capsizing-commercial-real-estate-ship/>
    | What caught my eye this week in this news was the visit of Prime
    | Minister Narendra Modi to the White House and Capitol Hill. There
    | is also mounting evidence of a meltdown in the commercial real
    | estate market.

    Navarro appears to the know the score regarding Modi's export of
    his top two quintiles of human capitol.

    With whom will Trump staff his trade and economic team and how
    of the 8+B globe's would they like American invite into their
    labor market?
    "This is like calling Alyssa Farah a Trump advisor with no further
    context. Oh, and the last "source" cited in the article? Some nobody
    Ohio lobbyist who only ever appears in Salena Zito articles when
    she's attacking MAGA. Not sure he even exists tbh." - Raheem Kassam <URL:https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1591085101303025664>

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