• MEDIA: Canada to introduce new work permit for US H-1B visa holders

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 5 10:41:04 2023
    First Post's anonymous hack on why Narendra Modi's people flee to
    Justin Trudeau's worker's paradise: <URL:https://www.firstpost.com/world/canada-to-introduce-new-work-permit-for-us-h-1b-visa-holders-12797782.html>
    | According to Canada-based, CBC News, Fraser said that by the end of
    | this year, the federal government will be developing an immigration
    | stream for some of the world's most talented people that will be
    | able to come to Canada to work for tech companies, irrespective of
    | having a job or not.
    | However, the Immigration minister did not explain exactly who will
    | qualify or how many people will be admitted to the stream.
    | H-1B visas allow foreign nationals to temporarily work in certain
    | specialized fields, such as the technology industry, in the United
    | States. Tech companies went on a hiring binge during the pandemic
    | but have since started laying people off in large numbers, leading
    | H-1B visa holders scrambling to find new jobs.

    Will Trump deploy Modi as his MAGA campaign surrogate for the National Question?
    "I also appreciate my friends who still support Trump but are
    defending me against this. It means a lot to me." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1673876322953621504>

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