• MEDIA: At Eagle Pass Immigration Presser, DeSantis Outflanks Trump To R

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 2 11:25:11 2023
    VDare's AW Morgan on whether Susie Wiles worries that Miriam Adelson,
    Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch, and David Sacks will allow Ron DeSantis
    to seize the high right ground of the National Question from Donald
    Trump: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/at-eagle-pass-immigration-presser-desantis-outflanks-trump-to-right-on-border-invasion>
    | Standing before the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass, Texas, this morning,
    | Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hit all the right notes on immigration
    | but one: He didn't say he'd stop legal immigration.
    | Still, he ably answered Donald Trump's promise of Operation Wetback
    | 2 and POTUS 45's comprehensive plan to stop the Biden Regime's Great
    | Replacement border invasion.
    | Per DeSantis' website, this is what the GOP candidate will do
    | [Mission: Stop The Invasion, No Excuses, RonDeSantis.com]:

    Does Wiles have survey data on whether legacy American proles support
    an immigration moratorium?

    ""We can change their minds with an entire issue of National Review
    dedicated to attacking Trump! This has never been done before!"" -
    Scott Greer

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