• MEDIA: Decoding Recapture Time: How you can use your vacation to maximi

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 30 11:07:29 2023
    Times of India's anonymous hack on whether Susie Wiles worries that
    Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and David Sacks will
    allow Ron DeSantis to outflank Donald Trump from the right on the
    National Question by inviting the likes of Mike Emmons onto their
    campaign stage to stump for an immigration moratorium: <URL:https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/nri/migrate/decoding-recapture-time-how-you-can-use-your-vacation-to-maximise-your-h-1b-visa-duration/articleshow/101124735.cms>
    | Did you know - international holidays you've taken since being in
    | the United States on an H-1B visa can help you extend your stay
    | beyond the maximum allowed time.
    | H-1B visa holders are allowed an initial stay of up to three years,
    | which can be extended once for a similar duration, resulting in a
    | maximum stay of six years.
    | However, there's a loophole to this cap by which you can potentially
    | exceed the 6-year limit.

    Will DeSantis nominate Ken Cuccinelli to lead USCIS.GOV in a DeSantis administration and will Mitch McConnell consent?

    "If you're not paying attention, the swamp is running a coordinated
    campaign, pushing dishonest talking points about Donald Trump.
    Winsome Sears, who was propped up by the MAGA movement, is the
    latest to get gobbled up. 2015/2016 anti-Trump energy is back. They
    won't succeed." - Alex Bruesewitz <URL:https://twitter.com/alexbruesewitz/status/1590807546297987074>

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