• MEDIA: Spring agenda: Draft rules proposing hikes in H-1B wages and var

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 27 11:55:13 2023
    Times of India's Lubna Kably on whether Donald Trump regrets slow-
    walking the upgrading of the Cheap Labor Lobby's H-1B scab worker
    import quota lottery to a wage-ordered queue: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/spring-agenda-draft-rules-proposing-hikes-in-h-1b-wages-and-various-visa-applications-deferred-to-next-year/articleshow/101049048.cms>
    | A key agenda item, in the recently rolled out 'spring agenda' of the
    | various immigration agencies of the Biden administration, is the
    | decision to defer the publication of the 'draft' rules for raising
    | wages of H-1B visa holders and green card holders.
    | According to immigration experts, in the wake of recent layoffs,
    | especially in the tech sector which employs a significant number of
    | H-1B employees this decision is pragmatic.
    | The release of the 'final' rules for hike in fees of immigration
    | related applications (including H-1B visas) has also been deferred
    | to March 2024. On the agenda is also a plan to increase anti-fraud
    | safeguards in the H-1B cap registration system.

    Does Narendra Modi recommend Donald Trump enlist Chad Wolf to replace
    Alejandro Mayorkas to lead DHS.GOV?

    "If the personnel problems have been solved, why are Lindsey Graham
    and Richard Grenell still Trump favorites? Why is Trump aligned with
    Kevin McCarthy and Ronna Romney? DeSantis needs to keep this up." -
    Pedro Gonzalez

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