• MEDIA: India-US ties reaching a turning point. But General Electric won

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 25 11:48:32 2023
    Tara Kartha for The Print on whether Susie Wiles recommends that
    Donald Trump enlist Narendra Modi or Xi Jinping as MAGA campaign
    surrogate for the National Question: <URL:https://theprint.in/opinion/india-us-ties-reaching-a-turning-point-but-general-electric-wont-ever-get-us-complete-tech/1627997/>
    | The bipartisan support for India in the US Congress is partly
    | explained by the fact that large Indian populations live in both
    | Republican states like Texas and Democratic states like California.
    | Besides, India is the source of the second-largest number of
    | international students enrolled in US universities. Moreover, high-
    | skilled Indian nationals receive the majority of employer-sponsored
    | H-1B temporary visas. That counts. There's also been a major spike
    | in illegal immigration. That's troublesome, especially when one
    | reason ascribed to this issue is "rising religious and political
    | persecution" in India, an impression that even prominent analysts
    | seem to be adopting.

    What does Wiles' trove of legacy American prole survey data tell her
    about their preference for Big .EDU leasing American classroom seats
    and laboratory stools to the 8+B globe's top two quintiles?

    "This is good. DeSantis needs to continue this line of attack. He
    should also continue highlighting Trump's personnel problems and why
    they've worsened. Talk about Jared Kushner, who Trump put in charge
    of the White House and who got a $2 billion gift from the Saudis.
    Talk about..." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1671189237020995584>

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