• MEDIA: The Constitution, Citizenship, and the New Right

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 23 12:06:50 2023
    Kevin Slack for the American Mind on whether Donald Trump regrets
    taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on
    the campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://americanmind.org/features/the-constitution-citizenship-and-the-new-right/>
    | Considering the future of the American nation, there are two
    | alternatives. The first is a return to the founders' citizenship
    | revolution, a shared national identity against cosmopolitanism, with
    | colorblind law, absolute free association, and America First
    | economic policies. Most importantly, it requires a border wall and
    | an immigration freeze so that Americans can assimilate and become
    | one people. It would end dual citizenship for the wealthy who refuse
    | patriotic commitment. It would use long-standing antitrust laws to
    | dissolve monopolies that threaten freedom. It would boost the middle
    | class with a return of living-wage jobs in industry and technology.
    | It would end both the stream of millions of illegal immigrants who
    | compete for American jobs and homes and H-1B visas that allow
    | companies like Disney to fire their workforce after making them
    | train cheap replacements. It would be a return to national self-
    | sufficiency: protecting industries and scrapping 1,200-page "free
    | trade" deals that benefit special interests. And it would promote an
    | America First foreign policy. The adoption of imperialism has meant
    | the violation of American principles both abroad and at home.

    Does Susie Wiles worry that Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan
    Murdoch and David Sacks will allow Ron DeSantis to invite the likes
    of Mike Emmons onto their campaign to stump for an immigration

    "What makes this list worse is many of these people on this list
    filled the same job like Tillerson and Pompeo, both Secretaries of
    State. It's not like Trump made a mistake and changed his ways after
    6 months... he made bad hiring decisions the whole time https://t.co/NkG0etB6EC" - Ryan Girdusky <URL:https://twitter.com/RyanGirdusky/status/1670938764003233794>

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