• MEDIA: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fairly Sensible On Immigration--Too Bad Fo

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 22 13:16:28 2023
    VDare's Washington Watcher II on whether Susie Wiles fears that a man
    woman or other of the Left will outflank Donald Trump from the right on
    the National Question: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/robert-f-kennedy-jr-fairly-sensible-on-immigration-too-bad-for-him-because-his-party-is-crazy>
    | That would be a basic statement from a Republican. It's not
    | particularly strong. And Kennedy tried to sound pro-immigration. But
    | the firm statement against illegal immigration is a bracing blast of
    | fresh air from a Democrat.
    | He's also attacked illegal-alien crime:
    | <URL:https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1653835940580696064>
    || Francisco Oropeza Perez-Torres has been arrested for the murder of 5
    || people including a 9-year-old boy. Torres is a Mexican already
    || deported 4 times. It is not anti-immigrant bigotry to demand an
    || immigration system that keeps out criminals. In fact, letting them
    || in stokes bigotry. As President, I will enforce a secure border, and
    || I will expand the kind of LEGAL immigration that made our country
    || great. #Kennedy24
    | Note, however, that he concluded that tweet with a pledge that he
    | "will expand the kind of LEGAL immigration that made our country
    | great." (Emphasis added.) So he's not an immigration patriot, but
    | Democrats are so bad on the issue that he almost sounds like one.

    Did Kevin Lynn abandon his trademarked Progressives for Immigration
    Reform because of shrinking audiences for an immigration moratorium
    among leftists?

    "Trump hasn't been in office for two years, while Mitch McConnell
    was Senate GOP leader in 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Weird how
    nothing is ever his fault, not even that time he used AL-SEN to
    settle a personal score against Mo Brooks and cost the GOP the
    Senate." - Sean Davis <URL:https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1590718086600044545>

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