• MEDIA: Tech Mahindra Worker Asian-Preference Class Suit to Get New Look

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 21 12:52:21 2023
    Michael Bloomberg's guest blogger, Patrick Dorrian, on whether Susie
    Wiles recommends that Donald Trump enlist Narendra Modi as a Make
    America Great Again campaign surrogate for the National Question: <URL:https://news.bloomberglaw.com/litigation/tech-mahindra-worker-asian-preference-class-suit-to-get-new-look>
    | Williams' suit alleges that 90% of Tech Mahindra Americas' 5,000-
    | plus workforce is South Asian. The IT giant favors South Asians in
    | hiring, promotions, firings, and otherwise, resulting in a pattern
    | or practice of bias against him and other non-South Asians, he says.
    | The suit was filed nearly five years after Williams was fired. He
    | sued after a prior class action raising similar allegations, which
    | was brought in federal court in North Dakota, was stayed when the
    | worker who brought it was ordered to arbitrate his claims
    | individually, Phipps said.

    Will Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and David Sacks
    permit Casey DeSantis to unleashe Ron DeSantis on the campaign stump
    regarding whether legacy American proles should be covered under
    America's anti-discrimination laws and regulations?
    "Had a nightmare that Trump went 2016 mode, crushed all competitors,
    and then decided not to run anymore and endorse Pompeo" - Darren

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