• MEDIA: Canceling Democracy Is the New 'Woke' Goal

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 5 12:31:24 2021
    Via Duck Duck Go, <URL:https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Joe+Guzzardi%22&t=h_&df=w&iar=news&ia=news> see Joe Guzzardi for Noozhawk on whether Bill Stepien poll tested
    vote dillution with Donald Trump's legacy American prole voters: <URL:https://www.noozhawk.com/article/joe_guzzardi_canceling_democracy_is_the_new_woke_goal_20210829>
    | Bold, revitalize and renew are the misleading words that The Times
    | chose instead of the more accurate: radical, audacious and
    | subversive.
    | The American experiment that The Times boasts proudly of championing
    | is overthrowing America's existing, time-honored voting system,
    | which legally excludes voting rights for noncitizens.
    | Abrahamian, the Canadian born author of The Cosmopolites: The Coming
    | of the Global Citizen, and who holds Swiss and Iranian citizenship,
    | proposes that voting rights be given to foreign nationals residing
    | in the United States on temporary work visas, and Green Card
    | holders.

    Will Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy impeach Judge Miranda Du?

    "Though many Russia-gaters went off the rails with Trump Derangement
    Syndrome, their ultimate allegiance is to the security state, not to
    any one party Biden has longer leash than Trump did, but after
    Nordstream 2 and Afghan withdrawal nat sec apparatchiks will take
    notice" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1430575760549498892>

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