• MEDIA: With 3.20 lakh H-1B visas bagged in FY 2022, Indians continue to

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 13 10:54:35 2023
    Via Brave,
    see Times of India's Lubna Kably on whether Susie Wiles recommends
    that Donald Trump enlist Narendra Modi to serve as MAGA campaign
    surrogate on the National Question: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/nri/us-canada-news/with-3-20-lakh-h-1b-visas-bagged-in-fy-2022-indians-continue-to-top-the-charts/articleshow/100772292.cms>
    | During the fiscal year 2022, nearly 77,673 India-born individuals
    | obtained an H-1B visa for new employment (which is 58.7% of the
    | total). The statistic for China-born is 18,911 (or 14,3% of the
    | total). During the fiscal year 2021, Indians had bagged 75,858
    | (61.5%) of the visas for initial employment. Chinese had obtained
    | 15.2% of such visas. International students continued to be a
    | significant chunk of those who successfully made a transition from
    | F-1 to H-1B visas.

    Does Trump support Modi's scab worker export industry as a way to
    pown Xi Jinping?
    "The establishment RINOs are desperate to stop Trump & destroy the
    America First movement. These globalist politicians want to return
    the GOP to being the party of George Bush, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan,
    but we're not going to let them win. We're going to Make America
    Great Again! https://t.co/sRBZvzkflV" - Donald Trump Jr <URL:https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1665756441255243777>

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