• MEDIA: H-1B visa Indian techies fear as USCIS to scrutinize filed petit

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 30 10:49:14 2023
    TechGig's Gaurav Sharma on whether Donald Trump regrets slow-walking
    the upgrading of the Cheap Labor Lobby's H-1B scab worker import quota
    lottery to a wage ordered queue: <URL:https://content.techgig.com/career-advice/h-1b-visa-indian-techies-fear-as-uscis-to-scrutinize-filed-petitions/articleshow/100438127.cms>
    | A number of Indians who have been allotted H-1B visas through the
    | lottery are concerned that USCIS will scrutinize petitions filed by
    | candidates who have registered for H-1B visas multiple times through
    | multiple consultants and companies with greater scrutiny.
    | The USCIS has issued a warning that the petition may be refused or
    | canceled if it determines that an attestation was not genuine and
    | correct, the registration was not properly filed, and the
    | prospective petitioner was ineligible to file a petition based on
    | that registration.
    | Additionally, USCIS has the authority to send the person or
    | organisation that filed a fraudulent attestation to the relevant
    | federal law enforcement agency for additional investigation and
    | action.

    Does Susie Wiles fear that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will
    allow Ron DeSantis to outflank Trump on the National Question?

    "But this is less a story about vaccines and more about a
    fundamental problem with Trump: despite claims that his wealth makes
    him independent, he's completely owned by money. He can't even stop
    serving Bud Light at his businesses due his ties with them. 18/https://t.co/D5JWP6RQkm https://t.co/KGMZFQAoiD" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1660798592292880388>

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