• MEDIA: US Official Reveals Key Reason Behind Long Green Card Wait Time

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 28 12:02:06 2023
    Times of India's Kumar Debvrat on whether Susie Wiles recommends that
    Donald Trump will enlist Narendra Modi to be his Make America Great
    Again campaign surrogate for the National Question: <URL:https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/reason-behind-long-green-card-wait-time-for-india-603087.html>
    | Douglas Rand, the Senior Advisor to the director of United States
    | Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), said the annual limit
    | established by Congress on family-sponsored preference green cards
    | is 2,26,000 for the whole world while the annual limit on
    | employment-based green cards is 1,40,000.
    | On top of that, the per-country limit is set at seven per cent of
    | the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference
    | limits, he told Indian Americans during a virtual town hall
    | organised by the State Department on visa and consular issues.
    | "That means 25,620. That is why individuals from India, China,
    | Mexico and the Philippines typically face such long wait times than
    | people from other countries," Rand said in response to a question.

    Who does Trump have in mind to succeed Ur M Jaddou at USCIS.GOV since
    Ken Cuccinelli has defected to Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and David
    Sacks' man, Ron DeSantis?
    And will Mitch McConnell consent?

    "Weirdest thing is how every Conservative discusses Oz was a
    terrible candidate but he nearly won his race. None of them mention
    Mastriano, who got blown out in his race. Yes both were endorsed by
    Trump, but none of Populist Inc seemed to mind Mastriano" - Scott

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