• Re: Judge: District can bar student from wearing Mexican and American f

    From Alvin Bragg@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 28 10:59:36 2023
    XPost: alt.america, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 12 Sep 2021, Steve Cummings <jtfa@gmail.com> posted some news:shlmf1$d0c$1@news.dns-netz.com:

    It's graduation not a fucking activism pulpit. Take your diploma and
    get the fuck out.

    DENVER — A federal judge ruled Friday that a rural Colorado school
    district can bar a high school student from wearing a Mexican and American
    flag sash at her graduation this weekend after the student sued the school district.

    Judge Nina Y. Wang wrote that wearing a sash during a graduation ceremony
    falls under school-sponsored speech, not the student's private speech. Therefore, "the school district is permitted to restrict that speech as it
    sees fit in the interest of the kind of graduation it would like to hold,"
    Wang wrote.

    The ruling was over the student's request for a temporary restraining
    order, which would have allowed her to wear the sash on Saturday for
    graduation because the case wouldn't have resolved in time. Wang found
    that the student and her attorneys failed to sufficiently show they were
    likely to succeed, but a final ruling is still to come.

    It's the latest dispute in the U.S. about what kind of cultural graduation attire is allowed at commencement ceremonies, with many focusing on tribal regalia.

    Attorneys for Naomi Peña Villasano argued in a hearing Friday in Denver
    that the school district decision violates her free speech rights. They
    also said that it's inconsistent for the district to allow Native American attire but not Peña Villasano's sash representing her heritage. The sash
    has the Mexican flag on one side and the United States flag on the other.

    "I'm a 200 percenter — 100% American and 100% Mexican," she said at a
    recent school board meeting in Colorado's rural Western Slope.

    "The district is discriminating against the expression of different
    cultural heritages," said her attorney Kenneth Parreno, from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, at Friday's hearing.

    An attorney representing the Garfield County School District 16 countered
    that Native American regalia is required to be allowed in Colorado and is categorically different from wearing a country's flags. Permitting Peña Villasano to sport the U.S. and Mexican flags as a sash, said Holly Ortiz, could open "the door to offensive material."

    Ortiz further stated that the district doesn't want to prevent Peña
    Villasano from expressing herself and that the graduate could adorn her
    cap with the flags or wear the sash before or after the ceremony.

    But "she doesn't have a right to express it in any way that she wants,"
    Ortiz said.

    Wang sided with the district, finding that "the school district could
    freely permit one sash and prohibit another."

    Similar disputes have played out across the U.S. this graduation season.

    A transgender girl lodged a lawsuit against a Mississippi school district
    for banning her from wearing a dress to graduation. In Oklahoma, a Native American former student brought legal action against a school district for removing a feather, a sacred religious object, from her cap before the graduation ceremony in 2022.

    What qualifies as proper graduation attire has been a source of conflict
    for Native American students around the country. Both Nevada and Oklahoma
    on Thursday passed laws allowing Native American students to wear
    religious and cultural regalia at graduation ceremonies.

    This year, Colorado passed a law making it illegal to keep Native American students from donning such regalia. Nearly a dozen states have similar

    The legal arguments often come down to whether the First Amendment
    protects personal expression, in this case the sash, or if it would be considered school sponsored speech, and could be limited for educational purposes.

    https://www.ksl.com/article/50654188/judge-district-can-bar-student-from- wearing-mexican-and-american-flag-sash-at-graduation

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