• MEDIA: POSOBIEC: Big tech companies are replacing American workers with

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 26 12:00:31 2023
    Human Events' CG Jones on whether Donald Trump regrets dispatching
    Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the
    likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://humanevents.com/2023/05/18/posobiec-big-tech-companies-are-replacing-american-workers-with-cheaper-foreign-labor>
    | But it does not appear that the American worker is a concern for
    | many of these firms, as the Economic Policy Institute reported that
    | "rather than turning to the H-1B program as a last resort when US
    | workers cannot be found, most employers hire H-1B workers because
    | they can be underpaid and are de facto indentured to the employer."
    | Fang noted that former President Donald Trump had apparently filed a
    | lawsuit against Facebook over allegations that it had discriminated
    | against American-born workers in favor of workers hired through the
    | H-1B program. The lawsuit resulted in Facebook having to pay a $4.75
    | million fine and reportedly promised up to $9.5 million to eligible
    | victims.

    Will Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch, and David Sacks force Ron DeSantis
    to backtrack on his pro-American positions on the National Question?
    "MAGA boosters are trying to convince you to give up the fight on transgenderism and settle for "no sex changes for infants." They're
    going to do this on every issue Trump needs them to do it on. If
    Trump pushes amnesty for millions of illegals (again), they're going
    to insist..." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1658889114161119264>

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