• MEDIA: H-1B fraud - 'gaming the system' - shows reform is needed now

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 25 12:23:01 2023
    WRAL's Steve Rao on whether Susie Wiles sees signs in Brad Parscale
    and Bill Stepien's surveys of legacy American proles for Donald
    Trump's 2016 and 2020 campaigns that they would be receptive to a
    campaign pitch that the Cheap Labor Lobby displaces the Descendants
    of American Slaves with scab workers: <URL:https://wraltechwire.com/2023/05/17/h-1b-fraud-gaming-the-system-shows-reform-is-needed-now-says-techwire-columnist/>
    | Of course, the H-1B program still needs reform. Right now, in fact,
    | Sen. Dick Durbin and Sen. Chuck Grassley are pushing a bipartisan
    | bill -- backed by everyone from Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, to
    | Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama -- that would do more to protect
    | and reassure American workers, while also imposing fines and other
    | penalties on employers who abuse the system.
    | That's a good first step: We need a skilled-worker visa system that
    | we can trust along with the enforcement mechanisms to catch and
    | punish bad actors. But we must also recognize that the vast majority
    | of immigrants play by the rules. It's American companies that
    | sometimes play dirty, not their immigrant employees.

    Will Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch permit Ron DeSantis to call out
    Trump for failing to turn the Cheap Labor Lobby's H-1B scab worker
    import quota lottery into a wage ordered queue?

    "Trump never thought overturning Roe was a good idea and even tossed
    pro-life people under the bus by explicitly blaming abortion after
    Republicans suffered disappointment during the midterms. He's only
    backtracking now because of the disaster in Iowa. Trump ultimately
    believes in... https://t.co/c5z4w6f7We" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1658866529335738376>

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