• MEDIA: Ron DeSantis: Migration Rules Must Help Americans

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 25 12:22:50 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, Neil Munro on
    whether Susie Wiles will blacklist Alex Marlow for allowing coverage
    of Ron DeSantis' position against an immigration moratorium: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2023/05/17/desantis-migration-rules-must-help-americans-not-companies/>
    | "Nobody has a right to immigrate to this country," DeSantis said as
    | he signed his sweeping state-level law curbing illegal migration in
    | Florida jobs and housing. He continued:
    || We determine as Americans what type of immigration system
    || benefits our country, but when you're doing immigration, it's not
    || for their benefit as foreigners, it's for your benefit as Americans.
    || So if there's legal immigration that's harming Americans, we
    || shouldn't do that either. For example, some of these H-1B visas,
    || they would fire American tech workers and hire foreigners at lower
    || wages. I don't agree with that. I think that's wrong.
    | "I think we should have more of a point system [for immigrants] like
    | Canada or Australia -- I don't think we should have chain migration,
    | diversity lottery, any of that, which is a lot of our immigration
    | here," he added.
    | DeSantis "understands it's not just about illegal immigration, but
    | legal immigration is also hurting Americans because it was designed
    | to replace Americans," said Kevin Lynn, founder of U.S. Tech
    | Workers. The business establishment bitterly opposed President
    | Donald Trump's policies, Lynn said, adding:
    || I believe his last six months were his best six months in
    || office. Just looking at immigration, we solved a lot of the big
    || problems, and rule changes were in effect that will go on to fix a
    || lot of issues.

    Of the globe's 8+B, how many does Wiles recommend Donald Trump tell
    legacy American proles they should welcome into 333M America?

    "Laughing so hard at MAGA celebrities who rose to prominence raging
    against The Radical Left, only to have to wear a muzzle and a
    blindfold now because their livelihoods depend on Trump, who is
    fundamentally a liberal at heart. That's what's behind MAGA's retreat
    from fighting "woke"--a concept that *they* popularized and grifted
    on for years, before DeSantis emerged to Trump's right." - Pedro

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