• MEDIA: The answer to a health care crisis lies beyond our shores

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 22 13:32:27 2023
    Vitor Melo and Liam Sigaud for the Meadville Tribune on whether
    Susie Wiles sees signs in Donald Trump's 2024 polling or the polling
    from Brad Parscale and Bill Stepien why legacy American moms and dads
    won't let their sons and daughters grow up to be doctors and nurses: <URL:https://www.meadvilletribune.com/opinion/column-the-answer-to-a-health-care-crisis-lies-beyond-our-shores/article_a4bf8720-f339-11ed-89c8-2bdd96602df8.html>
    | Shortages have been blamed on our aging population, increasing job
    | stress and burnout, and a lack of college faculty to train
    | providers--all valid concerns. Improving work-life balance,
    | expanding the pipeline of new workers, and better deploying
    | technology to handle menial tasks can alleviate some of the strain.
    | But we shouldn't ignore what trained and experienced foreign-born
    | workers can provide.

    Does Wiles worry that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron
    DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right by promising an immigration moratorium to end the Cheap Labor Lobby's poaching of the third
    world's doctors and nurses to increase profits for the donors to the
    Mercatus Center at George Mason University?

    "Wiles is just my guess, but there aren't many people with this
    content. Another might be Justin Caporale. He is the former DeSantis
    staffer who is now working for Trump and said the campaign would
    blackball anyone working with DeSantis. https://t.co/2RmA9OVhZ7" -
    Pedro Gonzalez

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