• MEDIA: New US Envoy to India Says Biden Told Him "Eric, Go Fix This" On

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 21 12:36:43 2023
    NDTV's Maha Siddiqui on whether Donald Trump will enlist Narendra
    Modi as a Make America Great Again campaign surrogate: <URL:https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/exclusive-new-us-envoy-to-india-eric-garcetti-says-joe-biden-told-him-eric-go-fix-this-on-us-visas-4026522>
    | On a question whether he would be looking into the issue of long
    | wait time for US visa, Mr Garcetti said, "Absolutely, and the
    | President said, 'Eric, go fix this'. It's not just a 10th or 11th
    | priority. It's the number one priority for me."
    | "I think visas touch Indians more directly than anything else that
    | America does. And it's a good problem to have. More and more Indians
    | want to come to the United States, to study, as tourists... We are
    | committed to solving this problem," the US Ambassador said.
    | "Already, wait times (for visa) are down 60 per cent since the
    | beginning of the year. In January, February and March, we processed
    | a record number of visas. Last year the largest source of student
    | visas came from India than any other country. Hold on, in the next
    | few weeks, when our leaders meet, you will get many announcements.
    | And even before that we are prepared for the student visa season and
    | already the wait time is getting shorter and shorter. We want more
    | Indians to continue to come to America," Mr Garcetti said.

    Since Ken Cuccinelli has defected to Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch's candidate, Ron DeSantis, who will Trump nominate to succeed Ur M Jaddou
    at USCIS.GOV and will Mitch McConnell consent?

    "All this is to say, if you've got a problem with Koch influence
    resulting in Koch policies, then you've got a problem with Trump.
    That's partly why MAGA Inc. people like Alex have to project. 16/ https://t.co/47rS4AmVQi" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1657277039949369344>

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