• MEDIA: Cheaters are gaming a lottery system to hire foreign workers. Th

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 15 12:08:30 2023
    Dallas Morning News' editors on whether Donald Trump regrets slow-
    walking the upgrading of the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import
    quota lottery to a wage-ordered queue: <URL:https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/2023/05/08/cheaters-are-gaming-a-lottery-system-to-hire-foreign-workers-this-needs-to-stop/>
    | While many H-1B holders are engineers, health care professionals and
    | even teachers, most are in the tech sector, according to USCIS.
    | There has been some criticism that many companies that hire these
    | workers are not in Silicon Valley but in IT services firms that tend
    | to hire for lower wages. All the more reason for the government to
    | refine a system so it hires the best candidates, not the lucky ones.

    Does Susie Wiles fear that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow
    Ron DeSantis to invite the likes of Mike Emmons onto their campaign
    "Only a few people could be behind these leaks. One is Gaetz, but
    it's not him. I'd guess Susie Wiles, who used to work with DeSantis
    but fell out with him and now runs Trump's Mar-a-Lago operations.
    It's funny because Trump's campaign is attacking DeSantis from the
    left here...." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1655343993364832258>

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