• MEDIA: Immigration Depresses Wages? That's Not Happening . . . and It's

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 12 13:44:37 2023
    H/T Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Mark Krikorian, Twitter.COM/MarkSKrikorian, see Jason Richwine for National Review
    on whether Susie Wiles worries that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch
    will allow Ron DeSantis to use their stage to campaign for an
    immigration moratorium: <URL:https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/immigration-depresses-wages-thats-not-happening-and-its-good-that-it-is/>
    | How times have changed! I'm reminded of what Rod Dreher and others
    | have observed: the Law of Salutary Contradiction. In response to
    | concerns about some perceived event or trend, the defensive side
    | first insists, "That's not happening." Then, a short time later, the
    | same side says, "It's good that it's happening."
    | Although both sides apparently now agree that immigration depresses
    | wages, I remain on the side that says it's not good that it's
    | happening. In fact, the Gest op-ed's specific topic -- the
    | relationship between foreign inflows and internal migration --
    | illustrates how insidious the wage depression can be.

    Does Wiles sees signs in Brad Parscale and Bill Stepien's internal
    polling from 2016 and 2020 campaigns that legacy American proles
    understand that scab workers depress wages for them and their

    "The same applies to the "DeSantis is talking with Paul Ryan"
    rumors. Trump enabled Ryan and filled the administration with Ryan
    allies. Excerpts from Peter Beinart, who is a lib, but his analysis
    of the Ryan-Trump problem is accurate (I wish Trump had been harder
    right). https://t.co/u1fHguBRwr" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1589270028113018880>

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