• MEDIA: First US visa interview is the best opportunity, says immigratio

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 11 11:34:35 2023
    Via Brave,
    see Times of India's Ishani Duttagupta on whether Donald Trump will
    nominate Mike Pompeo to succeed Tony Blinken at State.GOV and whether
    Susie Wiles recommends Trump campaign on Extreme Vetting [tm]: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/nri/us-canada-news/first-us-visa-interview-is-the-best-opportunity-says-immigration-expert/articleshow/99965922.cms>
    | "The H-1B visa interview should be taken very seriously and the
    | applicant should be prepared to be their own advocate at this
    | interview," Ben Arterburn, a former US diplomat and director of
    | consular affairs at US-based firm Argo Visa, told the Times of
    | India. He added that at the interview the applicant was all alone
    | and had to be their own representative even if earlier they had
    | received help and support from immigration lawyers and their
    | employers in preparing for the interview.
    | "The first visa interview is the best opportunity to clear all
    | doubts in the mind of the consular officer. Candidates should have
    | clarity about their employer and if the sponsor is a staffing agency
    | about the details of the contract arrangement between the agency and
    | the employer. The duration of the contract and details about the
    | actual position may have to be explained if the job is at an in
    | client location. Officers are often concerned about fraud and may
    | want to know if it is a real and stable job and the client and
    | staffing firm details," said Arterburn, who is focussed on helping
    | foreign nationals succeed in the US visa interview process.
    | He added that every applicant should try to make a good impression
    | at the H-1B visa interview and consider themselves as experts who
    | can answer any question about their own case.

    Does Susie Wiles worry that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow
    Ron DeSantis to use their campaign bullhorn to stump for an immigration moratorium?

    "David Rothkopf, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who
    served in the Clinton administration, said: "Trump and his
    supporters have, with support of one of America's most dangerous
    enemies, actively sought to undermine democracy in America." https://t.co/Bp53YCfDiz" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1589726538777317376>

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