• MEDIA: Employers of Alien Workers Caught in Different (and Intricate) V

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 19 11:05:14 2023
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on how many
    of Chad Wolf's clients are vulnerable to insider threats via qui tam: <URL:https://cis.org/North/Employers-Alien-Workers-Caught-Different-and-Intricate-Visa-Abuses>
    | In the Larsen & Toubro case, the employer managed -- for years -- to
    | skirt both the numerical ceilings of the H-1B program and also the
    | much higher fees for that program as compared to the tourist fees.
    | It was the second of these dubious achievements that led to their
    | downfall. The H-1B fees would have been $4,000 to $6,000 each,
    | compared to the tourist visa fees of $200 to $300.
    | The difference between the two fee levels caused a substantial loss
    | in income to the federal government, thus opening the way for a
    | whistle-blower to sue under the ancient False Claims Act (a "qui
    | tam" suit), which was written to reward informants against Civil War
    | profiteers. In this case, that person, one Michael Harmon, is due to
    | get a share of the $9,928,000 settlement.

    Does Donald Trump regret allowing Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and
    Justin Trudeau to re-export scab workers via Trump's NAFTA 2.0 TN

    "The primary purpose of all the Trump-Russia propaganda was to
    prepare the ground for where we're at today, getting half the
    country excited about a mindless proxy war by tying Putin to Trump.
    The harm it did to Trump was just a bonus benefit." - Martyr Made <URL:https://twitter.com/martyrmade/status/1583509153518997504>

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