• MEDIA: Jobs Site Agrees to Use AI to Find Bias

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 12 10:51:14 2023
    Society for Human Resource Management's Roy Maurer on whether Susie
    Wiles worries that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron
    DeSantis to outflank Donald Trump from the right on the National
    Question by using their campaign bullhorn to argue that legacy American
    proles should be a protected class under the civil rights regime: <URL:https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/jobs-site-agrees-with-eeoc-to-use-ai-to-find-bias.aspx>
    | In an interesting development, the jobs site agreed to use AI
    | programming technology to comb through its job listings for national
    | origin bias. Under the agreement, Dice will use technology to scrape
    | "potentially discriminatory keywords such as 'OPT,' 'H-1B' or 'visa'
    | that appears near the words 'only' or 'must' in its customer's new
    | job postings," the EEOC said.
    | Chelsae J. Ford, a trial attorney and coordinator for the EEOC's
    | Miami District, said that "DHI's use of programming to scrape for
    | potentially discriminatory postings illustrates a beneficial use of
    | artificial intelligence in combatting employment discrimination."

    Will Trump nominate Eugene Scalia to succeed Julie Su at DoL.GOV
    assuming Mitch McConnell consents to Su succeeding Marty Walsh?
    "One of the reasons Jared Kushner hated Jeff Sessions is that
    Sessions internally opposed criminal justice reform. Sessions was a
    hero and a good man. And like everyone else around Trump who tried
    to do the right thing, he was destroyed. 21/
    https://t.co/Y1EAHalmZC" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1641148349893038080>

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