• MEDIA: Biden's DHS Admits Many of the 85K Lost Migrant Children Release

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 2 09:32:45 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Donald Trump regrets granting clemency to Sholom Rubashkin: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/03/30/bidens-dhs-admits-many-of-85k-lost-migrant-children-released-u-s-being-labor-trafficked/>
    | Blackburn asked DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas how many are being
    | trafficked and what the administration is doing to find these lost
    | UACs. Mayorkas, though, replied by suggesting that DHS is focused on
    | busting labor trafficking schemes because many of the UACs are
    | ending up in brutal factory jobs.
    | "One of the reasons why we are devoting our worksite enforcement
    | resources and energies on unscrupulous employers, is precisely the
    | reason you've identified," Mayorkas said. "We must hold accountable
    | employers who engage in child labor."
    | The admission is significant, as the Biden administration has sought
    | to downplay the link between the nation's UAC pipeline and labor
    | trafficking.

    Does Susie Wiles fear that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow
    Ron DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right on the National Question
    by using their campaign bullhorn to call on Kevin McCarthy and Mitch
    McConnell to close the Cheap Labor Lobby's UAC scab worker import

    "This is to say that Trump's insinuations of ingratitude are
    somewhat misplaced." - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1581651028092805123>

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