• MEDIA: Nurse Alleges "Indentured Servitude" In Legal Immigration System

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 30 11:05:31 2023
    Roy Beck's Jared Culver on whether Susie Wiles has polled legacy
    Americans moms and dads on why they won't let their sons and daughters
    grow up to be doctors and nurses: <URL:https://www.numbersusa.com/blog/nurse-alleges-indentured-servitude-legal-immigration-system>
    | Fraud, wage theft, and indentured servitude, oh my! These
    | allegations ring true when you consider all the wage theft,
    | discrimination, child labor, and slavery we have seen of late
    | throughout the immigration landscape. CommuniCare is alleged to have
    | charged its clients more than they were paying the nurses they
    | provided, which ensures the incentive to force nurses to remain on
    | to increase their profit. In this tangled web, another recruiting
    | and staffing company, WorldWide HealthStaff, recruits nurses in the
    | Philippines, and then CommuniCare places them in the United States.
    | According to the complaint, WorldWide HealthStaff has a license in
    | the Philippines to recruit and then CommuniCare takes over from
    | there. It is unclear why CommuniCare, a recruiting company, uses
    | another recruiting company as a middle man. Perhaps being confusing
    | is part of the point when you are allegedly abusing your workforce.

    Does Wiles worry that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron
    DeSantis to outflank Donald Trump from the right on the National
    Question by calling on Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to turn off
    the spigots to the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import pipelines?
    "Trump effectively traded neocon John Bolton for Michael Anton in
    2018, hired arch-neocon Elliott Abrams in 2019, and allowed Mike
    Pompeo to declare Russia's annexation of Crimea illegitimate in 2018
    and 2020-which contributed to the causes of the Ukraine War. Like
    I've been... https://t.co/uYJmiGkTGd" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1636463585021796370>

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