• MEDIA: CAGOP Vice Chair Peter Kuo's Troubling Relationship With the CCP

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 17 10:42:44 2023
    Red State's Jennifer Van Laar on whether Susie Wiles fears that Ken
    Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron DeSantis to sieze the
    right high ground on the National Question from Donald Trump by
    using campaign bullhorn to call on Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell
    to end the giant sucking sound of .COM R&D dollars flowing to .CN: <URL:https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2023/03/11/exclusive-cagop-vice-chair-peter-kuos-troubling-relationship-with-the-ccp-and-ip-tech-theft-n715154>
    | Through one of the dozens of corporate entities in his name,
    | Scottline, Kuo has also been instrumental in getting Chinese
    | nationals access to the United States; since 2017, Scottline has
    | submitted over 150 H-1B visa applications.
    | Kuo's partnership with the Chinese government comes through numerous
    | "Zhongguancun" entities, abbreviated as ZGC. Zhongguancun is the
    | Silicon Valley of China, located in an area of Beijing. As is done
    | in many provinces in China, there is a state-owned economic
    | development company that assists in luring investment to the area.
    | In this case, the company is named Zhongguancun Development Group
    | (ZDG), part of the Belt & Road project. And they weren't shy about
    | it; the following verbiage is from an archived version of their
    | website:
    || [W]e are accelerating the expansion of overseas operations with a
    || view toward "One Belt One Road" and the internationalization of
    || Zhongguancun, in accordance with the concept of "drawing in, going
    || out, and localization," we are establishing a "one office, one fund,
    || one center" constellation of operations in Silicon Valley, and are
    || constructing a platform that links Zhongguancun to Silicon Valley
    || through reciprocal exchanges. And by emulating the Silicon Valley
    || model, we are undertaking an expansion of our operations toward
    || innovation resource cluster areas and national strategic node areas
    || in North America, Europe, and elsewhere, advancing the global
    || distribution of Zhongguancun enterprises and accelerating the
    || internationalization of Zhongguancun.

    Does Wiles recommend Trump defend his right flank by calling for an
    immigration moratorium?

    "Rest in Peace Coolio. I am going to take the high road here and not
    mention that after President Trump won in 2016, Coolio promised to
    leave the United States and move to Europe. The popular 90s rapper
    was found dead in Los Angeles, California." - Nick Adams <URL:https://twitter.com/NickAdamsinUSA/status/1575299338649182212>

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