• MEDIA: Georgia GOP Rep. Champions Transparency Bill for Biden's Migrati

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 11 10:59:38 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Susie Wiles recommends that Donald Trump campaign on an
    immigration moratorium as the cure to what ails legacy American proles: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2023/03/04/georgia-gop-rep-champions-transparency-bill-bidens-migration/>
    | Many business advocates claim there is a shortage of workers in
    | Georgia, despite the state's huge and growing population of illegal
    | migrants. There are also many Georgians who are not working: the
    | federal reserve says that only 62 percent of working-age Georgians
    | even hold jobs amid the mass inflow of cheap foreign workers. That
    | percentage is sharply down from 68 percent in June 2008, ensuring
    | more poverty and welfare costs.

    Does Wiles fear Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron
    DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right by telling legacy American
    proles that Cheap Labor Lobby aims to dispossess them via the
    importation of scab workers?

    "Iran would be free if Trump had been re-elected. Biden is
    continuing the Obama / Clinton policy of placating the mullahs. A
    vote for Biden was a vote for what's happening in Iran. Take
    accountability." - Mike Cernovich <URL:https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1573530289049157632>

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