• MEDIA: US assigns consular officers in Mumbai to clear visa backlog

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 8 11:41:29 2023
    TechGig's Gaurav Sharma on whether Donald Trump will endorse Mike
    Pompeo to succeed Tony Blinken at State.GOV if not to succeed Joe Biden
    or Kamala Harris at WhiteHouse.GOV: <URL:https://content.techgig.com/career-advice/us-assigns-consular-officers-in-mumbai-to-clear-visa-backlog/articleshow/98356312.cms>
    | In Mumbai, a large number of consular officers are assigned to clear
    | the visa backlogs and the US is taking several steps to reduce the
    | visa wait time for visitor to just less than two years by sending
    | drop-box cases overseas for adjudication and getting temporary staff
    | to handle cases.
    | In Mumbai, there is currently a wait time of 694 days - down from
    | 999 last November, but still just under two years. In Delhi, the
    | wait time is 614 days (down from 961 last November).
    | A few days back, the US consulate in Mumbai tweeted: "All hands on
    | deck to reduce visa wait times! Our incredible team of consular
    | officers has temporarily left their regular duties around the world,
    | from the state department in (Washington) DC to the consulate
    | general in Okinawa (Japan) to help out with visa operations in
    | Mumbai. Together, we are here to serve."

    Does Susie Wiles worry that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will
    allow Ron DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right by calling for
    an immigration moratorium using their campaign bullhorn?

    "Trump only recently became willing to publicly criticize Soros.
    Even when he does, it's mild compared to what his supporters say. In
    fact, I found a video from a Tea Party rally in 2011 where Trump
    *refuses* to criticize Soros when an attendee asks.
    https://t.co/CXw6p5rg9u" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1626802748447391744>

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