• MEDIA: Su Seen as Ally in Push for DOL Immigration Policy Action

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 8 11:40:51 2023
    Michael Bloomberg's guest bloggers, Andrew Kreighbaum and Rebecca
    Rainey on whether Donald Trump will nominate Eugene Scalia to
    succeed Julie Su and whether Mitch McConnell will consent: <URL:https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/su-seen-as-ally-in-push-for-dol-movement-on-immigration-policies>
    | Julie Su, the US Labor Department's No. 2 in charge who was
    | officially tapped as President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the
    | agency Tuesday, has long drawn immigration advocacy groups' support
    | for the top spot.
    | Even if Su only heads the agency on an acting basis, organizations
    | representing immigrant workers and legal nonprofits plan to press
    | her on policies protecting workers involved in employment disputes
    | or labor violations, and to beef up protections under temporary visa
    | programs.
    | The National Immigration Law Center previously called on President
    | Joe Biden to nominate Su to the position, while leaders of other
    | immigration advocacy groups--like the National Asian Pacific
    | American Women's Forum, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network,
    | One Fair Wage, and United We Dream--signed onto a letter endorsing
    | Su for labor secretary.

    Does Susie Wiles fear Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron
    DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right on the National Question
    by using their campaign bullhorn to make the case for an immigration
    moratorium to increase wages for legacy American proles?

    "Loomer showed up with a crowd of agitators to disrupt a DeSantis
    event. The security guard pleaded with them to be reasonable, said
    they're acting like the "far left," held up a wristband with Trump's
    name on it and said he's a Trump supporter, too. The poor guy is
    visibly... https://t.co/ww6PNd06mh" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1630759411349110788>

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