• MEDIA: 'Find a Job in 60 days or leave US', these H1B visa holders have

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 26 13:43:23 2023
    Times of India's Ruchika Kumari on whether Donald Trump will nominate
    Ken Cuccinelli to USCIS.GOV and whether Mitch McConnell will consent: <URL:https://www.timesnownews.com/jobs/find-a-job-in-60-days-or-leave-us-these-h1b-visa-holders-have-no-other-option-if-they-get-laid-off-article-98046490>
    | IANS published a study that mentions that the denial rate for (new)
    | H-1B petitions for initial employment in FY 2022 was 2 per cent. The
    | rate declined during the final year of the Trump administration
    | after judges declared many of its H-1B-related actions unlawful.
    | This led to a legal settlement and changes to restrictive
    | immigration policies that resulted in the denial rate for new H-1B
    | petitions for initial employment in FY 2021 dropping to 4 per cent
    | -- far lower than the denial rate of 24 per cent in FY 2018, 21 per
    | cent in FY 2019 and 13 per cent in FY 2020.

    Will Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch allow Cuccinelli to share the
    stage with Ron DeSantis?
    "It's also worth reminding people that Mnuchin, who was *employed
    and mentored by Soros*, became a major point man during covid, who
    Trump praised to the public. In other words, a personal friend of
    Soros was entrusted with an important part of the Trump admin's
    covid response https://t.co/Bwbpd9Hi9O" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1627046323190112256>

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