• MEDIA: Fox News' Brit Hume: Rising Opposition to Migration May Be 'Trag

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 22 11:41:35 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's advice to
    downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden
    and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/02/17/fox-news-brit-hume-we-need-migrants/>
    | His views match the views of Rupert Murdoch, who is Hume's employer
    | at Fox News. In 2014, Murdoch championed passage of the 2013 "Gang
    | of Eight" amnesty and cheap labor bill in an op-ed in his Wall
    | Street Journal newspaper:
    || People are looking for leadership--those who stand for something
    || and offer a vision for how to take America forward and keep our
    || nation economically competitive. One of the most immediate ways to
    || revitalize our economy is by passing immigration reform.
    || ...
    || We need to give those individuals who are already here--after
    || they have passed checks to ensure they are not dangerous criminals--
    || a path to citizenship so they can pay their full taxes, be counted,
    || and become more productive members of our community.
    || Next, we need to do away with the cap on H-1B visas, which is
    || arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling to find the high-
    || skill workers they need to continue growing. We already know that
    || most of the applications for these visas are for computer
    || programmers and engineers, where there is a shortage of qualified
    || American candidates. But we are held back by the objections of the
    || richly funded labor unions that mistakenly believe that if we keep
    || innovation out of America, somehow nothing will change. They are
    || wrong, and frankly as much to blame for our stalemate on this issue
    || as nativists who scream about amnesty.
    | During the Gang of Eight debate, Murdoch's TV channels focused
    | almost entirely on the chaos of illegal migration, and rarely
    | mentioned the huge economic damage caused by migration since 1990.
    | That skewed policy at Fox News continues into 2023 as producers
    | spotlight border chaos and downplay the economic pain of migration.

    Does Susie Wiles worry that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow
    Ron DeSantis to outflank Trump from the right by making the case to
    legacy American proles for an immigration moratorium as the cure for
    what ails them?

    "According to the Journal (article above), Cadre secured a *$250
    million* line of credit from the family office of Soros. Kushner
    never even divested from Soros-backed Cadre while serving as Trump's
    virtual prime minister. https://t.co/q2UUZ5YeJG" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1626806012945506304>

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