• MEDIA: Indian teen missing in US fled home over fears of father losing

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 19 19:48:18 2023
    India Today's anonymous hack on whether Susie Wiles worries that Ken
    Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron DeSantis to outflank
    Donald Trump from the right on the National Question by inviting the
    likes of Mike Emmons onto their campaign stage: <URL:https://www.indiatoday.in/world/indians-abroad/story/indian-teen-missing-in-us-fled-home-over-fears-of-father-losing-job-deportation-2333357-2023-02-11>
    | Police believe one of the possible reasons why she ran away was a
    | fear of her family being deported, reported local media.
    | Tanvi's parents believe that their daughter ran away because of the
    | family's tenuous immigration status. They say even though they've
    | legally lived and worked in the US for many years, hoping and trying
    | to acquire citizenship, the country's immigration system has left
    | them out in the cold, katv.com reported.
    | Tanvi's father, Pavan Roy Marupally, who works in a tech company
    | faced the possibility of losing his job amid the ongoing layoffs in
    | the technology sector.

    Will Trump ask Narendra Modi to be a campaign surrogate?
    "Biden is acting in a way that the media only pretended, out of its
    hysteria, that Trump did. But Trump should have been as ruthless
    with his enemies as Biden is now." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1565519473720934401>

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