• MEDIA: State Department Plans Pilot for Domestic Visa Renewal

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 18 13:46:08 2023
    Michael Bloomberg's guest blogger, Andrew Kreighbaum, on whether Donald
    Trump will endorse Mike Pompeo for State.GOV if not WhiteHouse.GOV: <URL:https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/state-department-plans-pilot-for-domestic-visa-renewal-this-year>
    | The stateside renewal option would be an important step for workers
    | and employers, said Shev Dalal-Dheini, director of government
    | relations at the American Immigration Lawyers Association, which had
    | pushed for the return of stateside visa renewals.
    | "The need became even more apparent with the pandemic and delays in
    | visa processing because people were really left in limbo," she said.
    | "If they had to travel, it wasn't guaranteed that they were able to
    | get their visa stamp to return."
    | The benefits of stateside renewals would extend to first-time
    | applicants who have to seek appointments at US consular offices,
    | said Tiffany Derentz, senior counsel at Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP
    | and a former State Department adviser.

    Does Susie Wiles fear Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will give Ron
    DeSantis permission to use their platform to outflank Donald Trump
    from the right on the National Question by campaigning for an
    immigration moratorium?

    "Trump is using the same playbook versus DeSantis as the Democrats
    did to Brett Kavanaugh. Kinda crazy for Trump to accuse others of
    what he himself has been guilty of in the past (and in the
    present)." - Jonathan P. Henderson <URL:https://twitter.com/ConsHistReview/status/1623141770946129920>

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