• MEDIA: US planning to resume 'domestic visa revalidation' to benefit H-

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 16 12:27:28 2023
    Via Brave,
    see the anonymous Press Trust of India hack on whether Donald Trump
    will endorse Mike Pompeo for State.GOV if not WhiteHouse.GOV: <URL:https://www.firstpost.com/world/us-planning-to-resume-domestic-visa-revalidation-to-benefit-h-1b-visa-holders-12134242.html>
    | "We are working in earnest on plans to restart this service for
    | certain petition-based NIV categories, and we hope to have a pilot
    | up and running later this year. This would eliminate the need for
    | these applicants to travel abroad to renew visas," a State
    | Department spokesperson told PTI.
    | The State Department facilitated domestic visa revalidation until
    | 2004 for applicants who were physically present in the US and
    | renewing a visa in certain petition-based nonimmigrant visa (NIV)
    | categories, the official said.
    | "We cannot comment on how many visa holders would be initially
    | eligible, but the pilot would begin with a small number of cases
    | before scaling over the following 1-2 years," said the State
    | Department spokesperson in response to a question.

    Does Susie Wiles recommend Trump ask Narendra Modi to be a campaign
    surrogate for the National Question in the campaign against Ron

    "A good thread featuring some solid articles. Go into 2024 with your
    eyes open friends. Trump has a record now. Even if you're still a
    fan, which is fine, you should know the man." - Tim Wood <URL:https://twitter.com/TimOnPoint/status/1623846877526360065>

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