• MEDIA: Cuccinelli: Mayorkas' Border Theatrics Hide Biden's 'Invasion'

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 21 10:54:02 2021
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump's Save America PAC will endorse Ken Cuccinelli: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/08/12/cuccinelli-mayorkas-border-bidens-invasion/>
    | "This entire charade is intended to fool the American people into
    | believing this administration is actually protecting and managing
    | our Southern border - nothing could be farther from the truth," said
    | a statement from Cuccinelli, who was formerly at the Heritage
    | Foundation, and is now joining the new Citizens for Renewing America
    | advocacy group.
    | He continued:
    || With record high numbers month after month, this administration
    || is doing nothing short of facilitating an invasion of this country
    || in violation of its obligation to the states to protect them from
    || invasion under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
    | Cuccinelli's group was founded by Russ Vought, a top official at
    | Trump's Office of Management and Budget, from 2018 to 2021.
    | "We call ourselves the America First wing of the America First
    | movement," said spokeswoman Rachel Semmel. "Our group is essentially
    | carrying on the fights that President Trump chose on America First
    | issues, many of which the Republican Party previously hadn't fought
    | on," she told Breitbart News.

    Center for Renewing America: <URL:https://americarenewing.com/issue_topic/secure-borders/>
    | Both major political parties have used America's border as a
    | political football designed to protect their big-monied interests in
    | the business community and along the corporate coasts.
    | The failure to secure our border is intentional, stemming from a
    | deep-desire among various industries to attain cheap labor at the
    | expense of U.S. national security, safe communities, low-wage labor
    | markets, and a sensible immigration system that serves the interests
    | of citizens.
    | Politicians in both parties repeatedly push amnesty in defiance of
    | their constituents and citizens in a flagrant attempt to benefit
    | powerful entrenched interests and secure potential long-term
    | political power from a surge of new voters.

    Will Trump's Save America PAC endorse Vought?
    "President Trump needs to call out @GOPLeader for helping fund
    candidates who supported his impeachment." - Columbia Bugle <URL:https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1423307876337135617>

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