• MEDIA: Sweeping 42-count indictment accuses Montco group of widespread

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 30 12:10:01 2023
    Philadelphia Business Journal's John George on whether Kellyanne
    Conway recommends Donald Trump campaign on stamping out Medicare and
    Medicaid fraud: <URL:https://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2023/01/25/indictment-fraud-montgomery-county-dentists.html>
    | According to the indictment, the Savani brothers allegedly built a
    | "complex criminal enterprise," which it identified as the Savani
    | Group, that amassed millions of dollars through multiple fraudulent
    | activities. Bhaskar and Niranjan Savani were dentists by training.
    | Arun Savani generally controlled the finances of the Savani Group,
    | according to the indictment.
    | Among the fraudulent activities alleged in the indictment are:
    | Filing false H-1B visa applications and petitions with the U.S.
    | Department of Labor, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and
    | the U.S. Department of State to exploit a workforce comprised of
    | foreign nationals, mostly from India, who were dependent on the
    | Savani Group and were allegedly forced to kickback wages and fees to
    | the Savani Group.

    Do the Savani Brothers spark joy for legacy American proles?
    Will Ur M Jaddou deport them following their prison sentence?
    Will Joe Biden celebrate their conviction with the investigators
    from these agencies: <URL:https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/dental-practice-owners-charged-fraud-and-rico-conspiracy>
    | The FBI, Homeland Security Investigations, IRS Criminal
    | Investigation, U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Service,
    | Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector
    | General, FDA, Department of Labor Office of the Inspector General,
    | Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General, Iowa Medicaid Fraud
    | Control Unit, and Federal Aviation Administration are investigating
    | the case.

    "As a principled populist outraged at Trump supporters for
    prioritizing bombast, showmanship, and conspiracies over serious
    policy, I welcome Alex Jones' support. #DAnon #TrustDeSan https://t.co/gQ4BrQlSQY" - Populist Pundit <URL:https://twitter.com/PunditPopulist/status/1560354697881468931>

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