• MEDIA: Another Amnesty Breaks: Immigration Fees Waived To Allow The Imp

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 27 12:49:47 2023
    VDare's Federale on whether Kellyanne Conway recommends Donald Trump
    ask Ken Cuccinelli to be a campaign surrogate on the National Question: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/another-amnesty-breaks-immigration-fees-waived-to-allow-the-importation-of-poverty>
    | Here the Biden Regime is doubly attacking Americans, replacing
    | American workers with H-1b serfs and using their fees to import more
    | low wage workers. Americans lose both ways.
    | As ever, the Biden Regime is always America Last, Invaders First.

    Does Conway fear that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will grant Ron
    DeSantis wide enough berth to recruit Americans First spokesmen like
    Kris Kobach for DeSantis 2024?

    "The "standing order" itself could be classified. Even compelling
    Trump to reveal details about its existence or contents could
    undermine state secrecy and national security." - Just Loki <URL:https://twitter.com/LokiJulianus/status/1559277072798851075>

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