• MEDIA: Immigration Crowds Out Native Workers

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 17 13:15:58 2023
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Jason Richwine, on whether
    Kellyanne Conway fears that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will allow
    Ron DeSantis to outflank Donald Trump on the National Question from
    the right by using their campaign stage to stump for an immigration
    moratorium: <URL:https://cis.org/Richwine/Immigration-Crowds-Out-Native-Workers>
    | Immigration restriction in the 1920s is instructive for another
    | reason as well -- it came with a sense of permanence. In order to
    | produce substantial mobility-enhancing effects, immigration
    | reductions have to be long-lasting enough to change the behaviors of
    | employers and employees alike. Employers in high-growth regions
    | would need to re-focus their recruitment efforts on workers from
    | within the country. Likewise, American workers who could potentially
    | move to these high-growth regions would need to believe that the
    | rewards for moving will be both large and ongoing -- not vulnerable
    | to a sudden influx of foreign labor. The best way to achieve these
    | behavioral changes is to restrict immigration over the long term.

    Amongst Bill Stepien's surveys of potential Trump 2020 voters, is
    their any data from legacy American proles on their attitudes towards
    making immigration: safe, legal, and rare?

    "As an attitudinally conservative force, the right has long
    identified with the institutions of law and order that have
    effectively been subverted and transformed into the enforcement arm
    of the Democratic Party, something both Trump and DeSantis have
    publicly acknowledged." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://chroniclesmagazine.org/web/desantis-trump-and-a-new- right-comfortable-with-power/>

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