• MEDIA: US agency to roll draft wage rates for H-1B holders in September

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 16 13:11:14 2023
    Via Brave,
    see Times of India's Lubna Kably on whether Donald Trump will nominate
    Eugene Scalia to succeed Marty Walsh at DoL.GOV and whether Mitch
    McConnell will consent: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/us-agency-to-roll-draft-wage-rates-for-h-1b-holders-in-september/articleshow/96824167.cms>
    | The DHS continues to pursue a proposed rule to modernise the H-1B
    | program. This rule is expected to redefine the H-1B employer-
    | employee relationship and at the same time provide flexibility to
    | start-up entrepreneurs. It also contains a proposed plan of action
    | to implement new requirements and guidelines for site visits by the
    | regulatory authorities. The E-registration process is also to be
    | bolstered to mitigate misuse and fraud. This proposed regulation has
    | been rescheduled from its earlier target date of May 2023, to
    | October 2023.

    Will Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch allow Ron DeSantis to use their
    campaign stump to stump for an immigration moratorium and thus outflank
    Trump on the National Question from the pro-American right?

    "Trump should have kept a backup of Hunter Biden's hard drive in his
    safe, since the FBI hasn't been able to locate it yet." - Thomas

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