• MEDIA: The Race for the RNC Chair Intensifies: A Close Look at Both Can

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 13 12:38:06 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Breccan
    Thies on whether Donald Trump's picks for GOP leaders are pro-
    American: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/01/06/the-race-for-the-rnc-chair-intensifies-a-close-look-at-both-candidates/>
    | In 2013, Dhillon said she supported a pathway to citizenship for
    | illegal immigrants, saying, "I'm not a Republican who believes you
    | should round people up and deport them. We should have a guest-
    | worker program that offers a pathway to citizenship."
    | When asked about this statement, Dhillon told Breitbart News that
    | her remarks were taken out of context.
    | "It sounds like I probably spoke about this for ten minutes at least
    | and it's been reduced to two sentences," she said. "I do believe
    | that our immigration laws should be enforced. I've said that many
    | times, and a pathway to citizenship, compassionately, would include
    | people being allowed to pay their back taxes and come back in at the
    | end of the line."

    What are Roy Beck's NumbersUSA GPAs for Ronna McDaniel and Harmeet
    "Gaetz casts a second vote for "Donald John Trump." Trump has now
    tied John Quincy Adams for the most Speaker votes cast for a former
    president. Adams received two votes in the 1835 Speaker's election"
    - Ben Jacobs

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