• MEDIA: Census: Foreign-Born Population Increases Across All 50 States i

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 10 13:07:15 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's advice to
    downplay the National Question on the campaign stump against Joe Biden
    and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/27/census-foreign-born-population-increases-across-all-50-states-in-2022/>
    | As Breitbart News reported, the U.S. population hit 333.3 million
    | residents this year. More than 80 percent of that population growth
    | is due to the nation's legal immigration levels, where more than a
    | million foreign nationals are given green cards each year and
    | another million arrive on temporary work visas to take American
    | jobs.
    | The process known as "chain migration," wherein newly naturalized
    | citizens can sponsor an unlimited number of foreign relatives for
    | green cards, drives more than 70 percent of the nation's legal
    | immigration every year.

    Does Kellyanne Conway's internal Save America PAC polls show legacy
    American proles' preference for or against making immigration safe,
    legal and rare?
    "Ron DeSantis and the Freedom Caucus wanted to mount a challenge to
    Paul Ryan in 2016, but President Trump backed Paul Ryan. https://t.co/Ez0Jvtu5D8" - Max Nordau <URL:https://twitter.com/MaxNordau/status/1606359453208551424>

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