• Re: DACA "dreamer" convicted of 3 murders. Obama can be legally EXECUTE

    From tony@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 10 10:12:31 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.politics.obama, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.conservative

    On 09 Jan 2023, HangTextDrivers <hangtextdrivers@gmail.com> posted some news:f0a00068-a647-4b7b-9f6f-8381ad8f8288n@googlegroups.com:

    Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to ENCOURAGE illegals to live in america and the penalties are severe. If
    you encourage an illegal to live here and that results in a death then
    YOU can be executed. DACA was done by an Obama EO and he is guilty.
    The case against the kenyan chimp would be open and shut but gutless
    repubs say nothing while dems do everything they can to put trump in prison.!!!


    jan 8 2023 Illegal alien and DACA recipient sentenced to five
    consecutive life sentences for the brutal murders of three Americans

    27-year-old Luis Perez, a Mexican national, shot and killed his former roommates Steven Marler and Aaron Hampton on Nov. 1, 2018, and injured
    two others in Springfield, Missouri.

    The next day, the criminal noncitizen murdered Sabrina Starr, the
    21-year-old who provided him with the weapon he used in the first two slayings.

    Assistant Greene County Prosecutor Phil Fuhrman said, "Mr. Perez is dangerous, he is violent, and he is deserving of the maximum

    A spokesman for ICE revealed that Perez was previously a recipient of
    the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" program in 2012 and 2014, enabling him to dodge deportation and to receive a work permit.

    Bring Obama to the woods in Missouri and give him a 3 minute head start.
    Hand the relatives of each victim a firearm and 300 rounds of ammo. The
    first one to bring Obama down gets to shoot the illegal alien.

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