• Re: You'll never guess the new state Eric Adams says is shipping migran

    From Yak@21:1/5 to Leroy N. Soetoro on Wed Jan 4 14:59:58 2023
    XPost: alt.politics, co.politics, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 1/4/23 2:54 PM, Leroy N. Soetoro wrote:
    https://nypost.com/2023/01/03/dem-colorado-gov-jared-polis-is-going-to- send-migrants-to-nyc/

    There’s “no more room at the inn,” Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday after word that Colorado plans to ship migrants to New York City and Chicago.

    Adams called the migrant crisis a “national embarrassment” as he renewed his call for a billion dollars in emergency relief from federal officials
    on WABC radio’s “Sid and Friends in the Morning.”

    “We received over 30,000 asylum seekers that are in need of not only shelter, but food, education for children, health care and some of the
    basic items that are needed,” Adams told radio host Sid Rosenberg, as he continued his call for financial support from the feds.

    “Now, we were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado has now stated that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York
    and Chicago. This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation. We’ve done our job. There’s no more room at the inn.

    “This has really impacted on the quality of life in New York, and our ability to provide everyday long-term New Yorkers on the needs that they
    have during this difficult time. So this must be addressed,” Hizzoner added.

    It was not clear when, how or why the migrants were being sent from
    Colorado to the city, and neither City Hall nor the office of Centennial State Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, could immediately provide details on
    the new influx.

    In a Tuesday statement, Polis said that 70% of the migrants that arrive in his state were only passing through on the way to their final destination, and Colorado was working with nonprofits to “to help migrants safely reach their desired final destination.”

    Denver is about 700 miles due north of El Paso on Interstate 25. The
    border city, currently overwhelmed by an influx of migrants, had
    discontinued a program that bused new arrivals to New York and Chicago in
    the fall, but asylum seekers were still being bused to the city by Texas
    Gov. Greg Abbott, who bragged Monday about sending more than 4,900 of them
    to the Big Apple.

    Many of the migrants that would be sent to New York had been delayed in Colorado due to transportation cancellations caused by “weather and workforce shortages,” Polis said.

    “No one should play politics with the lives of migrants who came here to escape oppression, and in Colorado, we are honoring our values of treating people with dignity and respect,” his statement read.

    A large number of the migrants that the state was helping to transport belonged to the Venezuelan community, according to Polis.

    Some 35,700 asylum seekers had ended up in five boroughs since last
    spring, according to the city’s most recent internal statistics. More than 24,000 of them were being housed in 68 emergency shelters and four Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers, according to Adams’ press secretary, Fabien Levy.

    The number of migrants in the city was actually larger than city
    statistics show, because many people hoping to be granted asylum were
    staying with family and friends, Levy said.

    Adams had warned city lawmakers last month that its shelter system was “at capacity,” and called on Albany and Washington to fund its efforts to care for migrants ahead of the expected expiration of Title 42.

    The pandemic emergency measure that had expelled 2.5 million migrants from the border was kept in place by the Supreme Court amid legal challenges,
    but border cities had been overwhelmed by an influx of migrants who had swarmed the border in anticipation of the policy’s lapse.


    1 day ago

    New York has received 30,000 migrants so far and Adams is asking for $1b
    in aid? Does he understand that the border states like CA, AZ and TX
    haven't received that amount of emergency aid combined since Biden
    reversed Trump's immigration plan in early 2021 and they have received hundred of thousands of migrants?

    21 hours ago

    California deserves what it gets, but AZ and TX should get federal funding from biden and harris since it is their failed policies that are creating this crisis.

    3 hours ago

    Where's the "justice" in using taxpayer money to bail out Brandon's serial dereliction? I have great sympathy for those in the border states, but the appropriate remedy is an old man living in DC (and various luxe vacation spots courtesy of his big dollar donors).

    Joe Silva
    7 hours ago

    Yes, kalifornia advertises for these grifters - it’s a ‘sanctuary’ state.
    Give the state what it wants. smh.

    7 hours ago

    Kalifornia has a border fence, paid for by Democrats.

    This is fantastic...couldn't happen to a nicer city.

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