• MEDIA: EAGLE Act to Spike More Corporate Scandals Like Twitter, Therano

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 21 16:04:31 2022
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart Immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell will deliver loosened
    spigots to the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import pipelines
    before Christmas: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2022/12/13/eagle-act-fuels-more-twitter-theranos-corporate-scandals/>
    | "The biggest problem of all [at Theranos] was the dysfunctional
    | corporate culture in which it was being developed," wrote a former
    | Wall Street Journal reporter, John Carreyrou, in his book about
    | Theranos, titled Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley
    | Startup:
    || [Founder] Elizabeth [Holmes] and [Pakistan-born] Sunny
    || [president Ramesh Balwani] regarded anyone who raised a concern or
    || an objection as a cynic and a naysayer. Employees who persisted in
    || doing so were usually marginalized or fired, while sycophants were
    || promoted ...
    || For the dozens of Indians Theranos employed, the fear of being
    || fired was more than just the dread of losing a paycheck. Most were
    || on H-1B visas and dependent on their continued employment at the
    || company to remain in the country. With a despotic boss like Sunny
    || holding their fates in his hands, it was akin to indentured
    || servitude. Sunny, in fact, had the master-servant mentality common
    || among an older generation of Indian businessmen. Employees were his
    || minions. He expected them to be at his disposal at all hours of the
    || day or night and on weekends. He checked the security logs every
    || morning to see when they badged in and out. Every evening, around
    || seven thirty, he made a fly-by of the engineering department to make
    || sure people were still at their desks working. [Emphasis added]
    | The same chaos was created at Twitter, where top managers relied on
    | a huge inflow of powerless foreign technology graduates to write the
    | software while it hired myriad U.S. non-technical graduates to
    | throttle Americans' free speech.
    | The site, MyVisaJobs, uses government data to show that the company
    | tried to hire more than 1,000 foreign Indian, Chinese, and other
    | graduates in the last four years.

    Does Kellyanne Conway fear that Ken Griffin and Lachlan Murdoch will
    allow Ron DeSantis to outflank Donald Trump on the right on the
    National Question by inviting the likes of Mike Emmons onto their
    campaign stage?
    "Twitter's most elite honchos convened a need-to-know-only higher-
    level moderation team, known as SIP-PES, "Site Integrity Policy,
    Policy Escalation Support," where they maintained a "secret
    blacklist" which reduced the visibility of posts by conservative
    commentators like Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk and even former
    President Donald Trump in the days and weeks before the 2020
    election [Twitter kept a 'secret blacklist' of accounts and topics
    to stop them trending, by Harriet Alexander, Daily Mail, December 8,
    2022]." - Jason Kessler <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/the-twitter- files-1-know-your-spooks>

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