• MEDIA: N.Y. Times Buries Options Available to Laid-Off H-1Bs

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 20 12:26:45 2022
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on whether
    Donald Trump regrets dispatching Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon
    Valley to sue for peace with the likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://cis.org/North/NY-Times-Buries-Options-Available-LaidOff-H1Bs>
    | I further predict that the current chair, and soon-to-be ranking
    | member, of the House immigration subcommittee, Zoe Lofgren (D-
    | Silicon Valley), will make an effort to find a specialized amnesty
    | for the one-time H-1B workers.
    | In addition, I suspect that the routine gift by the government to
    | industry of 85,000 brand-new H-1Bs, younger and cheaper than the
    | current batch, will continue next year.
    | Also, when and if Jordan returns to this subject some months from
    | now she will find -- if she looks -- dramatic stories about former
    | H-1Bs struggling to meet the mortgage payments for their once (given
    | the fall in prices) million-dollar homes. She will not term these
    | people illegal aliens, which they will be.

    Will Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell allow Ur M Jaddou and Alejandro Mayorkas to grant TPS to the Cheap Labor Lobby's RIFd scab workers
    and does Marty Walsh concur?

    "@ssharmaUS thanks Lighthizer for his service. No, thank you
    Saurabh. Being a NeverTrump libertarian and pivoting to principled
    populist in 2020 is the far more important than serving the fake
    populist Trump." - Populist Pundit <URL:https://twitter.com/PunditPopulist/status/1553170543423225856>

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